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Scrubbing machine SWM30 for ARTISTS FOR KIDS

support of ARTISTS FOR KIDSIn support of ARTISTS FOR KIDS, TOPREGAL donated a scrubber-dryer to clean the newly renovated premises to the non-profit project.

The children and youth welfare project was founded in 1999 by film producers Bernd Eichinger and Thomas Peter Friedl and supports at-risk and socially disadvantaged young people and families in cooperation with the Munich Youth Welfare Office.

Through an outpatient care program, children and young people can express themselves creatively and take advantage of various educational opportunities in an uncomplicated way. Since 2013, vacation and weekend trips, learning camps and cultural education programs have been taking place regularly at the ARTISTS FOR KIDS state base, the 'ANTENNE BAYERN hilft' house in Allgäu.

In order to be able to use the existing stable building there for the diverse care offerings and to meet fire safety regulations, this building was recently extensively renovated. The additional 500 m² of space thus created offers plenty of room for workshops and events for children and young people. To ensure the permanent and unrestricted use of the newly gained space, TOPREGAL provided a wipeket SWM30 scrubber-dryer as a donation in kind. In keeping with the artistic background of the project, the "film star from the SMW30 product video" has made its way to the Allgäu region to clean the new premises conveniently, effectively and quickly from now on. This gives the demonstration machine a new area of application and creates an environment for the children and young people to feel comfortable in.