Vertical Racks

Vertical Racks Top seller
Fields of application of vertical racks
Vertical racking is especially suitable for storage of light long goods, when you want to quickly see and remove the stock. The advantage of this type of rack, with tapered frame, is the very good visibility of the stored material and also the quick removal of it. Due to the dividing arms, which can be simply screwed to the upright and arranged individually, such a profile rack also holds many different items without mixing them. Vertical shelves are often seen in the wood department of hardware stores or even in sports shops, when buying skis or snowboards.
Expandable, customizable and space-saving - advantages of vertical racks
In small storage areas and with the appropriate height, the available space can be perfectly utilized thanks to a vertical shelf. The rack is wider at the bottom than in height and has an angle of inclination of 10°. We offer a range of pre-configured vertical shelves in different heights, widths and arm depths. If the right model for your needs is not available, please feel free to contact us - we will certainly configure your individual profile rack to fit your needs.
Also for vertical racks, safety-relevant accessories, such as collision protection and rack impact protection, are available in the savings package of our TOPREGAL store.